March 22, 2013 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Friday March 22, 2013 - For Corporate Calgary and Saskatchewan
Keynote was "The Competitive Advantage"
• Canadian Property Tax Association (CPTA) Western Chapter Annual Education Seminar
• Bankers Hall Auditorium P3 Level, 315 – 8th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta.
• The membership includes property tax professionals from all over AB and SK and in industries such as Commercial Real Estate, Big-Box Retailers, Oil & Gas, Electric Power Generation, Assessment Community for all Industries listed
• Our theme for the workshop is “Competitive Advantage” and we looked at the development and advancements at Winsport COP as a competitive advantage for our city overall – we always try to bring in speakers first thing in the morning with a human interest component to lighten the sometimes heavy topic of property assessment and taxation.